Booking Fee Revenue Calculator

Transform your booking fees from a business expense into a revenue stream. This calculator helps campgrounds, RV parks, and outdoor hospitality properties understand the financial impact of passing credit card processing fees to guests rather than absorbing them as an operational cost.

This calculator helps you understand:

  • Project potential revenue by analyzing your current booking volume and average reservation amounts to see how implementing a service fee could impact your bottom line
  • Compare different fee structures (percentage vs. flat rate) to find the optimal approach that balances revenue with guest satisfaction
  • Calculate monthly, quarterly, and annual revenue projections to help make data-driven decisions about your fee strategy


Booking Fee Revenue Calculator

Booking Fee Revenue Calculator

Average Booking Value $150
Monthly Reservations 100
Service Fee Percentage 5%

Revenue Projections

Monthly Fee Revenue $0
Annual Fee Revenue $0
Average Fee per Booking $0

* Calculations assume steady booking volume throughout the year

Provided by OpenCampground. Cannot be redistributed.

The information provided by these calculators is for educational and comparative purposes only.